Saturday, December 5, 2009

PTSD Spirituality Information and Link

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) harms individuals and relationships. Commonly understood in psychiatric or medical terms, PTSD also possesses spiritual dimensions. PTSD affects our souls. In fact, I tend to think of PTSD as Post Terror Soul Disorder.

If you wouldl ike more information on the spiritual dimensions of PTSD,
visit the PTSD Spirituality website.

Trauma can damage our soul and then drive us into negative behaviors that bewilder our family, friends, and anyone who meets us. PTSD seeks to isolate us and cause us to abandon our relationships and any hope of recovery. PTSD can lead to self-harm through the use of alcohol, pornography, drugs, and reckless behaviors. If left unchecked, it can also lead to suicide.

There is hope. If you or someone you know has PTSD, they need not despair.

PTSD can result from military service, rape or sexual assault, clergy abuse, traffic accidents, or experiencing a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina. Regardless of how a person is traumatized, PTSD symptoms are often similar. PTSD wants you to think you are weak or cowardly, but know that a PTSD response is normal, it is part of what makes us human. And, there is hope, you can recover your sense of self and do not have to live in PTSD’s fear and isolation.

The PTSD Spirituality website endeavors to address the spiritual dimensions of PTSD. Feel free to click on over and read some of the essays on the spiritual dimensions of PTSD.

Semper Pax, Dr. Z